
Five Things to Know About Being Named an Executor of a Will

Five Things to Know About Being Named an Executor of a Will

Being appointed as an Executor of a Will for a loved one can be daunting. The responsibilities are time consuming and can cause stress – especially if this is your first time as an Executor.

It is important to be aware you may be liable for any mistakes made when carrying out duties as an Executor, even if those mistakes were innocently made.

Fortunately, our experienced Solicitor and Head of Private Client Services Lauren Phillips, is here to tell you the five things you need to know about being named as an Executor of a Will.

What are the key things to think about if you have been asked to be an Executor of someone’s Will?
Firstly, are you prepared to take on the responsibility of carrying out the deceased’s wishes under their Will? You need to ensure you carry out the wishes of the deceased as they would have wanted. Be aware that issues can arise if there are family disputes between members over assets, or if they feel excluded.

What are the main responsibilities of an Executor?
You need to ensure that all the assets of the deceased are cashed, any taxes or debts paid, and distribute the assets in accordance with the Will.

Does the person making the Will need your permission to name you Executor?
There is no formal requirement for the Executor to give consent – though it is sensible to ask permission before appointing them.

Who can be an Executor and does being one mean you can’t be a beneficiary?
Anyone is able to be an Executor providing they are over 18 years old and have adequate mental capacity to do so. It is not uncommon to appoint professional executors such as solicitors or financial advisers. Furthermore, it is a common misconception that you are unable to be a beneficiary and an Executor – however this is not the case.

Can you change your mind about being an Executor?
Yes, it is possible to change your mind. If at the time the person passes away, you do not want or are unable to be the Executor then it is possible to stand down. In this instance, either the appointed replacement or another appropriate person would stand in.

For more advice about updating or creating your Will, contact our Wills & Probate Team today who will be happy to provide professional, friendly advice.

Email: Telephone: 0333 231 6405

To learn more about Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning services click here. 

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School attendance in the heat – Our childcare team provide insight

By Sally Perrett – Solicitor | Head of Childcare Law

The UK is bracing for sweltering heat this week as the first-ever red warning for extreme heat is implemented today with temperatures expected to hit 107 (41c) in some parts of the country. It is likely to be the hottest day ever. The temperatures are not expected to be quite so high in Wales but nevertheless, an amber warning remains in place.

As with the pandemic, health chiefs fear the NHS could be overwhelmed by heat-related casualties if temperatures rise to the levels predicted.

There has been some discussion as to whether schools should remain open under the circumstances.

Schools follow the same regulations as workplaces. Under the workplace (Health and Safety Welfare) Regulations 1992, Employers have a legal obligation to ensure that the temperature in the workplace is “reasonable”. Despite the guidance under law, the government has not specified a specific temperature in the workplace which would mean employers, or in this case, pupils are sent home.

Ultimately it is up to the headteacher to decide whether the temperature in the school is suitable for teachers and pupils.

Some schools across the UK have given parents the option to keep children at home or to collect their children early, particularly on Monday. Most have chosen to remain open following practical and sensible advice. Public Health Wales has issued guidance on looking after children in extreme hot weather.

Schools are having to balance this tricky decision between the welfare of their staff and pupils, the issue of many parents, particularly key workers still having to attend work during the heatwave and the supervision of more vulnerable children during these unprecedented temperatures.

There is no hard and fast rule regarding keeping children home in these circumstances, it is ultimately down to the individual school and to the parent if they are concerned about how their child might cope with the temperature.


For childcare legal matters, contact our team here:

UK heatwave and the work environment – Our employment law team weigh in

By Max Wootton – Senior Partner

As the heat wave continues to linger across the United Kingdom, many are asking what the potential impacts are on the working environment. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) does not provide a recommendation on the maximum workplace temperature. This is because it is difficult to set any meaningful figure at the upper end of the scale due to the high temperatures found in, for example, factories or glass works.

Factors other than air temperature can also come into play in hot working environments, including radiant temperature, air velocity and humidity. That said, if the temperature at work is uncomfortably high because of hot processes, or even building design, the employer must still take all reasonable steps to ensure that workplace temperatures are at a comfortable level.

Employers have a statutory duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work. This means that all employers are required by law to protect their employees from harm, including harm caused by excessive or uncomfortable workplace temperatures.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to undertake a risk assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their staff and take steps to control those risks where necessary. Under the 1999 regulations, an employer must:

  • identify the possibility of illness or injury from workplace temperatures
  • decide how likely it is that someone could be harmed in this way and how seriously
  • take action to eliminate the hazard, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk.

For most businesses exposed only to seasonal risks from hot or cold temperatures, the steps that need to be taken to control these risks are fairly straightforward. In most cases, this will be less about reducing the risk of illness or injury, and more about ensuring the thermal comfort of employees at work. Thermal comfort describes how acceptable a person considers their temperature, ie; whether they feel too hot or too cold.


For more information or assistance with employment law and HR service matters, speak with our team:

Getting to know Court of Protection Law – a discussion with CJCH Solicitor, Connor Hegarty

As our Court of Protection team has been nominated for the Wales Legal Awards 2022 which will take place next week.  We had a chat with Connor Hegarty, Solicitor in our Court of Protection department

What is the Court of Protection and who does it help?

The Court of Protection deals with cases concerning people who have been assessed as lacking capacity to make a specific decision.  Where a person lacks capacity, the Court can make a best interest’s decision on the individual’s behalf. These can include the most serious and life-changing decisions including where someone lives, to how they interact with wider society, to considering withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment or nutrition/hydration. As well as dealing with cases concerning a person’s welfare, the Court also hears challenges to an individual’s deprivation of liberty pursuant to Article 5 ECHR.

As well as resolving disputes as to what might be in someone’s best interests, the Court also deals with the appointment of Deputies and Attorneys under Lasting Powers of Attorney.

What circumstances would lead to someone being considered as ‘lacking mental capacity’?

A person is considered to lack mental capacity for a specific decision if they met the legal test set out in the MCA 2005. Put simply, this is where a person has a cognitive impairment, and due to that impairment, cannot understand relevant information for a decision, use/weigh up that information, retain it, or communicate a decision on the specific subject. Examples of a cognitive impairment could be a brain injury, dementia or related conditions, or more severe learning disabilities. Although it is a legal test, assessments for capacity are often carried out by a health or social care professional.

It is always important to remember that lacking mental capacity is always decision specific.

What are some examples of decisions made in the Court of Protection? 

The Court can make a best interests decision concerning a wide variety of areas affecting a person’s life, where there is evidence to suggest they lack the capacity to make the decision themselves, including:

  • Conducting legal proceedings
  • Where they live
  • The care they receive
  • How their property and finances are managed
  • Who they have contact with, or how contact is regulated
  • How they access the internet and social media
  • Whether they can consume alcohol or smoke
  • The medical treatment they receive, including serious medical treatment, and decisions about vaccinations
  • Management of specific or long-term health conditions, such as diabetes
  • The appointment of a Deputy or Attorney for health/welfare or property/financial affairs

What does a solicitor who specialises in Court of Protection do and when should you speak to one? 

As specialists acting in the Court of Protection, the team of solicitors at CJCH can advise you on any areas that affect capacity law or best interests. We can advise on any disputes arising on whether a person has capacity for a specific decision, how a person’s personal welfare is being managed and challenges to a deprivation of liberty. We also have extensive experience advising on capacity and best interests concerning medical treatment, including the most serious cases before the High Court.

What is a Deputy?

A Deputy is a court-appointed individual to act in a person’s place to make decisions in their best interests, where the individual has been assessed as lacking capacity. Deputies can act in two areas, for health/welfare (less common) or property/financial affairs (more common). To be appointed a Deputy, the person seeking to act in this role must make an application to the Court.

Who can become a Deputy? Are there any rules surrounding this?

A Deputy must be over the age of 18. A Deputy is typically a relative or close friend of the individual concerned, but not always. Some Local Authorities will act as a Deputy for individuals in their area. There are also “professional” Deputies who act for a fee. There can be more than one Deputy appointed.

Deputies will be bound by obligations placed on their actions by the Mental Capacity Act 2005. They must also prepare an annual report detailing how they have acted in the individual’s best interest.

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? 

An LPA is a legal document that lets a person provide authority to another to assist them in making decisions about their health/welfare or property/financial affairs.

A crucial distinction between Attorneys and Deputies is that the Attorney must be appointed by the individual concerned when they have capacity to do so. If a person is assessed as lacking capacity, they cannot lawfully appoint an Attorney.

Who can become an Attorney? Are there any rules surrounding this? 

Similar to Deputies, an Attorney must be over the age of 18, and is typically a relative or close friend of the individual concerned, but not always. There are also “professional” Attorneys who act for a fee. There can be more than one Attorney appointed, who can act together or separately. For example, a parent may appoint more than two children to act as Attorneys to assist with decisions on finances.

What is the Office of the Public Guardian?

The Office of the Public Guardian is the body that oversees Deputies and Attorneys in England & Wales and investigates any complaints or concerns on how they may be acting.

24 March 2020 – Update on Corona Virus status

As we posted recently the CJCH team will continue to support our clients where possible to do so, however, we have now closed our offices as per the guidelines regarding the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. Even though our offices are shut for the time being, for your health and safety and ours, we will continue to provide our services as far as possible if needed.

Our telephone lines are still open, and you can reach us at:

  1. Cardiff: 02920 483 181
  2. Barry: 01446 420 043
  3. Bridgend: 01656 457 466
  4. Blackwood: 01495 227 128

Our emergency 24-hour line: 07967 305 949


And you can reach our direct departments via our email contacts:

  1. Residential property, Wills, and Estates:
  2. Family, Matrimonial, Divorce, and Childcare:
  3. Mental Health Law, Deprivation of Liberties, and Court of Protection:
  4. Criminal Defence Law:
  5. Commercial Property, Litigation, Employment, and Corporate Law:
  6. General Enquiries:

The CJCH team will continue to help all our clients across childcare, family, mental health, court of protection, deprivation of liberties, wills and estates, property, commercial, criminal defence, and intellectual property matters wherever physically possible to do so. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe all – CJCH Team

Here for you – CJCH Solicitors to continue providing services for clients

The CJCH team are monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation closely and are adhering to the guidelines put in place by the government and public health authorities. The personal health and wellbeing of our staff, clients, and the communities in which we operate are of the utmost importance to us, and we will continue to do everything in our power to reduce risk where possible.

Currently, CJCH is operating as per usual, albeit with heightened protective measures. We wanted to provide an update of additional precautions we have put in place as part of our business continuity plan. 

We are asking staff and clients to minimise the needs for in-person meetings over this period and to use other options (outlined below) to correspond with clients where possible. We are also asking staff, clients, and visitors not to shakes hands or come into any form of personal contact with each other where avoidable.

Our staff will ensure they are fit and healthy when they come to work and perform their duties, and will self-isolate if they feel unwell prior to coming to work, as per the symptoms outlined by the Government and Department of Health.

We always promote a healthy work environment with high standards of hygiene, and to address the seriousness of this situation we have increased our hygiene precautions further. All four of our offices have anti-bacterial soap and other hygiene amenities required, and staff have been briefed to wash their hands regularly, reduce personal contact, and sanitise their work stations.

We understand that the services we provide can be critical to the wellbeing of our clients and their livelihoods, and we, therefore, commit to continue to provide these services in any format that is safe and reduces possible risk to all involved. As such, with immediate effect we are offering our clients the following options to replace in-person meetings:

  • Video conference meetings – our team have the facilities for Skype, FaceTime, Whereby Meetings, MS Teams, Google+ Hangouts, and Zoom. They will set up a video meeting with you and assist you with the details if you are not familiar with these services or try to accommodate another format you are more comfortable with.
  • As always, you have the option of conference call/telephone discussions with your solicitor. Please see a full list of our contact numbers at the end of this message.
  • Email support for your matters – please find the list of departmental contact details at the end of this message.

If we are required to close one, or all, of our offices for whatever reason, we will endeavour to continue to provide our services to our clients in any reasonable format, and to the professional standards, our clients are used to. We will monitor the operations of the courts, tribunals, and other related organisations to advise clients of any impacts or delays to their matters where possible.

For more information and advice on COVID-19, please follow this link from the NHS:

CJCH Direct contact numbers:

  1. Cardiff Head office: +44 (0) 29 2048 3181
  2. Barry Office +44 (0) 14 4642 0043
  3. Bridgend Office +44 (0) 16 5645 7466
  4. Blackwood office +44 (0) 1495 227 128
  5. 24 Hour emergency line : +44 (0) 7967 305949

CJCH Department direct contact emails:

  1. Residential property, Wills, and Estates:
  2. Family, Matrimonial, Divorce, and Childcare:
  3. Mental Health Law, Deprivation of Liberties, and Court of Protection:
  4. Criminal Defence Law:
  5. Commercial Property, Litigation, Employment, and Corporate Law:
  6. General Enquiries:

CJCH Solicitors will always operate with our staff and client’s best interests at heart, and we are positive we will be able to continue to support you during these uncertain times.

All work-related travel is put on hold for our staff, including locally to major cities such as London. We are also asking staff to reduce persona travel and to inform us of any personal travel they have planned to allow us to assess the impact.  

Please do everything possible to ensure your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you. 

International Women’s Day – Celebrating the Women at CJCH

In support of International Women’s Day 2020, we interviewed Fuen, Allison, Sally and Rebecca from our Cardiff, Blackwood, Barry and Bridgend offices to talk about why it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day and how we can achieve gender equality in the legal profession.

Why is it important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

It is important to celebrate National Women’s Day to honour the achievements of women throughout history. We must celebrate the part they have played in minimising discrimination against women and increasing their access to rights enjoyed by men. But also to celebrate women of all backgrounds, ages and cultures coming together for one cause, to strengthen and empower women.

What woman inspires you the most?

A woman who inspired me was Princess Diana. Marrying into the Royal Family gave her a life of material luxury which she could have enjoyed without a care in the world. However, she took it upon herself to use her celebrity status to help as many people as possible. She raised awareness of humanitarian issues. She worked tired for charities and her selfless attitude can be summed up by one of her most famous quotes “Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be doing what I can” She used her immense influence to shine a light on forgotten causes.

What can we do to achieve equality in the legal profession? 

Whilst we have undoubtedly made progress over the years, we are still not where we need to be. The three main things the legal profession should focus on is closing the gender pay gap, raising awareness of unconscious biases and making work more flexible around family obligations.

I think generally women need to support other women. Whilst this might be a cultural problem, employers definitely play their part. I’m glad that CJCH encourages a culture of female employees supporting and empowering each other.

Have you encountered any challenges as a woman in your career?

Yes, however, they are more than visible challenges. Most of them are not obvious and they have more to do with the way in which women are educated and the constrained expectations society has on us. For example, because of this subtle, often unnoticed sexism, women tend to second guess their own judgement, seek external validation or moderate their speech in professional settings. For example, saying “If I may…”, “maybe…”, “perhaps…” before interjecting in a conversation, which is observed less in male colleagues. On a personal note, I have reflected and worked on this, and I invite all women to not let this “invisible” sexism to undermine their true potential.

There are “visible” challenges society still must overcome in order to achieve real equality, one of the biggest being the impact of parenthood on women’s careers, compared to the small impact it usually has on men.

What does women’s empowerment mean to you?

To me, women’s empowerment means nonconformism with injustice and one’s capability to get rid of artificially imposed behaviours.

What do you think is the biggest issue today facing women in your profession?

Starting a family and striking a balance between children and work is challenging, although this is not limited to the legal profession.

There is pressure on returning to work to enable career progression. Although shared maternity/paternity is available, the perception is still that the mother should take the time off.

Ultimately, there is the added pressure that this will impact on career development and advancement.

On international women’s day, what is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about a career? (Or Career in Law)

I am fortunate enough to work in a firm where there is no gender bias, indeed we have an equal split of male and female senior partners, giving me the same opportunity to progress along with my male colleagues.

The historic misconception of gender imbalance has long since passed in most professions and regardless of your choice of profession, I would encourage women to pursue their chosen career and set aside any fears of being overlooked by men.

International Women’s Day & The Equality Act

As International Women’s Day approaches, it is a time to reflect and celebrate the amazing accomplishments of women around the world and how far we have come in advancing the rights of women.

However, it is also a time to refocus on what needs to be done in order to achieve gender equality here in the United Kingdom and around the world.

With this in mind, CJCH’s Charlotte Bardet, (updated) qualified solicitor and software piracy client account lead, examines gender equality in the workplace in relation to the Equality Act 2010. In addition to how the legal profession can improve its record on the pay gap, hiring practices and work/life balance to help reach full gender equality.

What is The Equality Act 2010 and how does it impact the workplace?

The Equality Act 2010 is an Act of Parliament that consolidated and updated over 116 pieces of prior legislation relating to anti-discrimination law in Great Britain (Act does not apply to Northern Ireland) into one single Act.

Prior Acts included: Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995

The Act protects people against discrimination, harassment or victimisation in employment, and as users of private and public services based on nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

What is classed as gender discrimination? What are the differences between direct and indirect discrimination?

Under the Equality Act 2010, you must not be discriminated against because:

  • you are (or are not) a particular sex;
  • someone thinks you are the opposite sex (discrimination by perception);
  • you are connected to someone of a particular sex (discrimination by association).

Sex can mean either male or female, or a group of people like men or boys, or women or girls. This can be a one-off action or caused by a rule/policy. Importantly, it does not have to be intentional – someone may discriminate without realising it or meaning to.

There are four main types of gender/sex discrimination:

  • Direct discrimination – treating someone less favourably because of their sex than someone of the opposite sex would be treated in the same circumstances.
  • Indirect discrimination – when an organisation has a rule, policy or practice which applies in the same way to both sexes but which places someone of a particular sex at a disadvantage to the opposite sex.
  • Harassment
  • Victimisation

There are some exceptions that allow employers or organisations to discriminate because of your sex, including if it is an occupational requirement or if the organisation is taking positive action.

If you believe you’ve been discriminated against in your workplace because of your gender, what can you do

Firstly, complain/speak directly to your employer first to try and sort out the problem informally. Secondly, if the matter cannot be settled informally, talk to Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), Citizens Advice or a trade union representative.

Use mediation or alternative dispute resolution to try and settle the matter out of court. Finally, seek legal advice and potentially take a claim to the Employment Tribunal for discrimination.

 What are the main things employers can do to build a gender-equal workplace?

  • Train staff, and team managers in particular, how to identify discrimination when it takes place, how to deal with it and how to prevent it from happening again.
  • Ensure that both genders are treated fairly and equally in recruitment, training, hiring and promotion
  • Reassess job specifications for senior management positions and identify what barriers have been constructed which prevents either sex from filling them.
  • Remove the gender pay gap and be transparent about pay. Each position should have a pay bracket that outlines the salary for that role.
  • Prioritise a work-life balance and allow for flexible work arrangements.

Finish the sentence: We know we’ve achieved gender equality within the legal profession when…

My top three would be:

  • Legal letters no longer start with ‘Dear Sirs’
  • It is no longer known as a profession dominated by men in suits.
  • There are as many female partners as there are male partners (CJCH is proud to have gender equality on our board of directors)

Get in touch :

We know that discrimination in the workplace is a sensitive issue and difficult to talk about. That’s why our specialist team can assist you in getting a fair and quick solution. Get in touch with a member of our team today:


Telephone: 0333 231 6405

How to Leave Your Business in Your Will

According to the Institute for Family Business, there are 4.8 million family businesses in the UK, making up 85% of all businesses and generating over 25% of the country’s GDP.

Tax receipts from family businesses generate more than the entire budget for the NHS! They are vital for the British economy and for families. This makes it even more vital to ensure your business is taken care of when you are no longer around.

Whether you are a 2nd or 3rd generation family business owner or spent your life starting your business from scratch, it is important to get your affairs in order ahead of time.

There are high risks to your business with not adequately planning to pass on your business to your loved ones. Alexis Thomas, experienced Chartered Legal Executive at CJCH Solicitors explores how you can leave your business in your Will. It is never too early or too late to start thinking about your future and the future of those left behind when you are no longer around.

What, if any, impact would your business or shares have if you died without including them in your will?

If your business or shares are not included in your Will, they could end up being sold, broken up or pass as part of the residue of your estate. They may end up with someone who is not able to run the business because of a lack of knowledge and experience. A minor will experience difficulties continuing the business if shares are left to them.

How can a solicitor help you leave a business or shares to someone in your will?

A Solicitor can ensure you direct who the business or shares will end up with. Furthermore, they advise you on who is best to control your business. They can decide the best structure for the Will, such as leaving the business or shares in a discretionary trust. This will give your family the benefit without direct involvement in the business.

Solicitors advise on other options for your business, such as shareholder agreements and life assurance policies. These options protect yours and your business partner’s interests.

Getting proper advice ensures you can continue to control what happens to your business assets and shares once you have passed away.

Do other shareholders have to accept a new shareholder if you leave shares in your will?

The Testator cannot force other shareholders to accept a new shareholder if leaving shares in their Will. Any share transfers in a Will will be governed by shareholder agreements or partnership agreements etc. In this scenario, the likely option is to sell the shares and gift the value, rather than the shares themselves.

What disputes can arise when leaving a business or shares to someone in your will?

The business may face disputes between shareholders if the business position is not effectively considered. If the shareholders cannot reach an agreement, neither shareholder will have control of the company.

Generally, problems will arise in the event the business is left to a minor with no partnership agreement in place. If the decision-making process becomes paralysed, it could end the business, which has serious tax consequences.

What inheritance tax issues should someone leaving a business in their will be aware of?

If someone owns a business, creating their Will in the most tax-efficient way will help minimise Inheritance Tax (IHT). Passing a business in their Will can lead to a large IHT bill.

As a result, the Executors may have to sell the business to pay the IHT bill. Qualification for Business Property Relief (BPR) will allow a person to pass on a part of the business free of tax. However, not all businesses qualify for BPR.

Therefore, the solicitor needs to know everything about the business to advise if BPR applies. Solicitors can advise clients to leave assets that qualify for BPR to other family members such as children so that they are not passed to spouses who are eligible for a different IHT relief.

How we can help:

It is never too early or too late to start thinking about your future, and the future of those left behind when you are no longer around. The team at CJCH has extensive experience in Wills & Probate; Tax & Estate Planning. Get in touch with a member of our team today:

Telephone: 0333 231 6405
