
CJCH takes Welsh business East and West in October 

Cardiff based CJCH Solicitors provides a global consulting service specialising in software anti-piracy to multinational software companies. Since developing this bespoke solution in 2014, Senior Partners Stephen Clarke and Tim Hartland have grown the consulting division to over 60 staff members, speaking over 22 languages and providing analysis, research and compliance services to its clients across 60 countries worldwide.  


In October, the executive leadership team of CJCH ventures to Japan and the United States on two trips aimed at growing international business relations, sharing specialist knowledge, and bringing new business opportunities back to Wales.  


Luke Heydenrych, Group Chief of Staff, will travel to Austin, Texas with the Firm’s training manager and performance management strategist, to speak at an international software anti-piracy and licence compliance summit, hosted by SmartFlow Compliance Solutions.


Heydenrych is sharing his knowledge on the development of specialist skills that CJCH have developed here in Cardiff, in an address entitled “Next Generation Piracy Investigators: Immersive Techniques in Knowledge Transfer and Thought Leadership”. The focus on his presentation is on understanding a unique combination of skills needed to appropriately tackle the challenge of digital copyright theft and misuse of software products. Heydenrych will be sharing the stage with an elite collaboration of speakers including Technology and Privacy lawyers, Cyber Security Specialists, and law enforcement specialists from the FBI.  


At the same time, Stephen Clarke, Group Chairman, and Andy Clarkson, Managing Director of the CJCH Legal & Compliance Services division, are bound for Japan to meet with a leading Japanese intellectual property law firm to discuss a collaborative approach to supporting clients’ needs across Europe and Asia.


The focus of this trip is to build a strong bond between the two firms and the two regions to allow for cross-border compliance and enforcement activities to be better managed in the future.


Clarke has forged similar relationships with firms in other countries such as China, Israel, Brazil, and the UAE. Clarke envisions building a hub for global IP and Copyright protection here in Wales which brings international business and opportunity to our region.  


CJCH is no stranger to international business relations, and their team spend a great deal of time working with law firms, consultants, law enforcement and public services organisations across the globe in an effort to share their knowledge and assist in protecting the innovation and development investment made by software companies to produce the products which make modern life possible.

The Importance of Protecting your Intellectual Property

Protecting Your Intellectual Property

According to the World Intellectual Property Organisation, one third of the value of the products we buy comes from intangibles like Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property spurs innovation and drives growth in the economy.

Our specialist Solicitor, Ana Kocmut-Saunders, is on hand to explain the importance of Intellectual Property protection for your business and your brand.

What is Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is a category of property resulting from human creativity. It is divided into two classifications. The first is Industrial Property, which includes patents, trademarks and geographical indications. The second is Copyright, which encompasses works of literature, films, drawings etc.

Benefits of protecting IP

IP rights allow creators & owners to benefit from their own work and investment. This gives owners a legal right to stop others from using their property without their permission. Through IP rights, holders set their business apart from their competitors by being recognised as a reputable supplier of goods and services.

The main goal of any business is to make a profit and IP rights, if protected and maintained properly, provides business with a revenue stream. Therefore, the risks of not protecting your IP can result in damage to your business and your brand.

Different types of IP protection

There are different types of protection depending on what was created. Under UK Law, some types of IP protection are automatic, whilst others you must apply for. Copyright is an example of automatic IP protection after the creation of music, literature or some other artistry and lasts for 70 years after the author’s death. Whilst Trademarks must be applied for and confer protection for 10 years.

Importance of seeking legal advice

Only through seeking legal advice can you ensure your business is fully protected from unfair competition and counterfeiters. Small businesses often make the mistake of not seeking legal advice on protecting their IP to save money. However, not protecting your IP can leave your business vulnerable, which can mean significantly higher legal costs down the line.

How we can help

For more advice on protecting your Intellectual Property, contact a member of our IP, Anti-Piracy & Compliance Team for dynamic, professional advice.

Telephone: 0333 231 6405


Software Piracy and Copyright infringement dealt a heavy blow – Pirates beware

In an article released just over a week ago on the China Daily – Europe online news site, a monumental win for French based software giant, Dassault Systemes (DS) was announced.

In an ongoing battle to tackle software piracy head-on, the organisation has partnered with law firms around the world to address the growing issue of  copyright infringement in terms of commercial software. Being a client of ours, we know all too well the dedication and commitment DS shows in the fight against Software Piracy and Licence Compliance, which is why we are delighted to share the news of their recent win in collaboration with our partner law firm in Shanghai, to the tune of $2.2m in compensation.

For too long companies such as DS have suffered at the hands of online deviant behavior which shows indifference to copyright law and Intellectual Property rights. Software pirates do not realise, or do not care about, the knock on effect their infringements have on innovation and development. The costs of research and development of new software can be astronomical, and when individuals take it upon themselves to illegally access and use this software without paying for it, it detracts from the creators ability to reinvest and expand their offering. Not to mention the extreme security risk the illegal software poses to the unauthorised users who open themselves up to threats such as unregulated software which is not monitored by the developers strict quality control processes. The use of illegal and cracked versions of software also potentially expose the user to embedded threats such as malware and viruses which are often inserted into fake versions.

Our partner law firm associated with this case, Han Yuan & Partners, will be joining us in Cardiff in September. We will host them to discuss our collective innovations in the field of Anti-Piracy and Licence Compliance and how the collaboration between China and our evolving technology innovation and IP Hub here in Wales can continue to service and support the Asian and European market and beyond. Discussions will include those with local IP communities, academia and the Welsh Government. 

Managing IP Infringements for small to medium enterprises

A word from Tony (Senior Compliance & Investigator Consultant)

At CJCH Solicitors we look to the future of commerce to tackle the questions facing international compliance and governance head-on. Through our ongoing efforts to combat software licencing infringements and anti-piracy on behalf of our clients we have identified potential gaps in the capabilities of small to medium enterprises (SME’s), in particular, in protecting their intellectual property (IP) rights. As a result of the sheer volume of web-based IP infringements it is impractical for many SME’s to identify, monitor and control incidents on their own. The skills and resources to combat the risks associated with this commercially damaging crime are simply not readily available to all SME’s or, in some instances, even larger organisations.

Over time we at CJCH have expanded our offering to address these pain points and support our clients where they need it most – a sturdier and more robust solution than that which they can provide for themselves.

Our services include an automated IT capability which can:

  • detect the scale at which your assets are being infringed
  • actively seek their de-listing from host sites
  • track that the delisting has actually taken place

Our process, including the intervention of our law enforcement trained investigators, is proven to achieve results swiftly and accurately, while being scalable to suit individual demand. With our ability to proactively monitor our clients IP assets and, if required, seamlessly transition the matter for legal action, CJCH are at the forefront of IP protective services.